'I do not need your affirmation to know I'm psychic.' by Kara
Saturday, March 25, 2006 at 8:39 AM

Yeah, yeah. At least I got to sleep in this morning. (Yes, 9.30 is sleeping in for me.) Also, technically I can go in via FTP and edit these news records ... so I could post-date his entries if I were that mean. I could also spell-check them.

The theory is that I get my new computer today. However, I've also got a baby shower to attend this afternoon (not, as someone rather rashly assumed, my own ... Christ!), so today's gonna be fun-busy. Because I also need to get some groceries. However, the main difficulty is gonna be reinstalling my important programs.

Oh, also ... now that I've gotten myself not panicking, I realise I actually have lost important stuff. Like cover art for future volumes of ConScrew and Wicket. Currently digging for the original line art, but this isn't promising. Although if I can get my old C: drive set up as a slave drive off the new computer, some stuff might be recoverable. Not bloody likely, but we'll see.

Badon Hill is (visually, anyway) based on a local posh neighbourhood in Newport News called Port Warwick ... which is based on the town of Port Warwick from the novel Lie Down in Darkness ... which is based on the actual town of Newport News. Figger that one. The name of the town should be obvious to anyone who's seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but it's actually a legitimate part of history ... which is what I really had in mind when I did this up.

Also, the flat number is important. There is no way that anyone is gonna know this, so I'll just tell you now that it's the year the Picts invaded Roman Britain. So more on the historical end than the legendary, but still important. To me.

If you have been, enjoy.

"Get ready to crumble obscure!!" "Lets Fence Against the Earth!"*from Gao Ranger toy* by Rob
Saturday, March 25, 2006 at 8:19 AM

I know it's not a race, but I win anyway for being first to post...it's so rare, I have to take my victories when I can get em.

I'm up early today to start my trek to Virginia Beach to see Rob Zombie. I'll be brief then....

..Ok then, Bye!

Resistance is FUTILE!!!

Neo-Vader III

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