'He's friends with Santa and a gay lizard, and ROBIN HOOD is what's giving you trouble?' by Kara
Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 10:09 AM

Sad to say there has been another pig loss. Door passed rather quietly on Tuesday. She's been kind of slowing down since February and she was a very old lady in pig-years (she was pushing six), so this isn't as devastating as, say, when Cooper was fucking brain-damaged and killed by an emergency vet.

It's just weird because I've had Door longer than any pet since my dog I had growing up. I'm glad the cause of death was living a long time. But it's still sad.

I don't know if I'm getting a cage-mate for Zombie Snack yet. She seems to be content being alone, and also she's pushing five herself so I don't know how well she'd do with the change. I guess I'll observe her over the next few days. She's sleeping in Door's old spot quite a bit, which is sad. They've been together for 3-4 years. That's a long time in piggie years.

We'll see. I'm not irate about this like Cooper or wondering if there's more I could have done or anything. Just melancholy because, you know. Aging happens. General going-away happens. And it's happening more and more in my life.

Fuck. Look. Gwen got BA'd again. See? Focus on that. If you have been, fardles.

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