'My day's been a whirlwind of gay porn.' by Kara
Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 10:31 AM

What a time.

Monday was Nana's second anniversary. We didn't do a major service or anything, but I took it upon myself to do a few things. In the midst of that, I found my seizure medication being swapped out for insurance reasons and have just come out the other side of some AMAZING withdrawal symptoms. This is my first full day of clear thought, which is kind of nice -- my brain kicked in sometime around midday yesterday. Now if I could just get my sleep schedule back in hand.....

I will be at Nekocon next month selling booky things. Incidentally, ConScrew 3 is with my publisher (dependent upon their input as it's the volume with the FG crossover), and Volume 4 is currently open in Photoshop having the finishing touches put on it. Kali books? I know there's a want for Kali books but oh God when.

But for now it's back to real-world work. Putting words on cartoons and that. I'm gonna have some links to share concerning new projects soon-ish. If you have been ... ugh, got nothing.

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